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Dr Sibilla's 5 Golden Rules [and a side note by Dr Negrini, the sixth rule]


1. it is well prescribed: prescription should be detailed; should specify each structural particular in relation to the single patient's needs; should indicate only the type of brace, without specifying what the treating physician - the real person in charge of the treatment - wants to obtain and with which technical means he delegates only to the orthopaedic technician a role that he is not entitled to, most of all the therapeutic responsibility.

2. it is well assembled: the brace should be assembled basing on the plaster cast of the patient's trunk, executed by an experienced orthopaedic technician possessing a very good manual skill and a great willingness to cooperate with the physician. These last qualities allow the technician not to be a supine executor, nor an anarchical inventor, but instead a clever and critical applicator of structural methodologies, able to interact with the physician for a good construction of the brace.

3. it is well tested: prescription should be verified because, between brace design and assembly on the patient's trunk, some variations and/or anomalies can happen. These last events involve the need of a re-design and some adjustments, which are essential for the good construction of a brace and of treatment too. Furthermore, the person in charge of the treatment should be able to give the necessary usage advices to the patient, to find signs that can indicate a possible compliance reduction, and to define possible further indications for the rehabilitator. The testing is not a mere formal act.

4. it is well worn: the patient is an essential actor in a difficult moment of his/her life (adolescence), that is subjected to an unrequested and unwanted therapy (the patient has no symptoms) that, if not explained, is often not well understood. It is essential that the whole therapeutic team knows how to interact with the patient and his family in order to obtain an adequate compliance. The minutes "lost" by the physician in speaking with the boy/girl and with the family, by the orthopaedic technician in order to guarantee a greater brace wearability and tolerability, and by the rehabilitator in order to verify its use and in trying to resolve the patient's small daily problems, are an essential investment for a positive treatment outcome.

5. it is accompanied by an adequate physical activity

6. the patient has been received by a complete therapeutic team: as always, in the rehabilitation field (but not only in this field), it is the team-work that allows those interactions between professionals that, together with parents, guarantee a positive treatment outcome: the team is composed by the physician, the orthopaedic technician and the rehabilitator.



Gruppo di Studio della Scoliosi
Casella Postale n. 89 - 27029 Vigevano (Pv), Italia

Copyright © Gruppo di Studio della Scoliosi, 2006.